Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Simple Combination Book: Posted by, Aleen Guerra

1. Measure and cut two pieces of board 1/4'' longer and 1-1/4'' wider than the folded text. Cut ten narrow slats each about 1'' wide and as long as the other cover pieces. Lay them next to one another, carefully measuring the gap between each piece.

2. Measure and cut the cover paper, making it 2'' longer and wider than the assembled cover. Then paste the boards onto the cover paper. Form the corners, just as you would for any other cover.

3. Measure and cut the end paper 1/2'' shorter and narrower than the assembled cover. Then paste the end paper onto the inside of the cover.

4. Fold the spine into a concertina before wrapping it in waxed paper and drying it under weight.

5. Now make the signatures. With eight sheets of folded paper per signature, these are fuller than normal. The larger signatures are necessary to fill the extra space.

6. Sew the signatures onto the spine on the mountain folds.

7. Continue sewing signatures onto the spine until the book is complete.

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